Wednesday, July 15, 2015


what does tongue caress at midday, blind river of violent waiting in the flesh...

we climb many trees of silence, purple oaks, infinite forests, of silences, we climb alone and dance, over and over, first tongue empties the bottom, touches spring,
we wear blue and we orbit, like birds and sun rays, through all possible wounds, unknown doors, like the moon girls within our books and pulses, we love, hence we perspire, waiting for the juice. tongue, nostrils whisper, uprooting the angel of the kiss from the tongue, promising the return to flesh. mine yours, here. why open leans over the sun, beating the drum of future letters beyond vertigo, ascent, newest song with skin within the Arch of Alpha and Omega, loving until

the song flows and turns to lava, fresh lava, fresh tongue kissing until    

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Geometria Não-Euclidiana

sofre somente a torção do espaço-tempo 
começa na boca a evidência da intensidade

uma sensação de Teorema da Incompletude Desejante
e da curva assintótica do beijo e da sua elipse noturna

sofre no instante e na duração. a fricção da matéria alucina. 
aquecimento de atmosfera tende para quasi-Infinitum.