some desires come here
desiring happens like bread looking for your mouth
you recall the vulnerable bread of the first love after so long infancy and adolescence
the fractions of bread worked by bare hands studying the texture and the temperature of every moment
the aroma is sour and you doubt of your evidence because of raw chest raw breath and you question whether underbaking belongs to the essence of not-knowing how nor why
what next what explodes implodes undulates next
not-knowing how nor why comes here with your underbaking truth
there is a poetess looking for your mouth
you should paint your naked body with dark yellow almost blood of animals living within wildfires
when you feel the sultry palette of an uncertain sunset exploding tenderly under the sound of still closed lips doubting while approaching the arc where maybe you meet your threshold among and between new magnitudes you are out there your body is whole openness whole disclosure everything is your extending skin
desire starts the new crescendo while your essay on skin understanding demands wisdom and madness
the aroma of sun bathing and sun burning shines around your climaxes of simple thirst (drinkable first matter first flesh, only firstness is fully drinkable)
you long for a beginning a naked beginning where trembling fingers could announce new tongues capable of new wildfires beyond language
your attempt to put those desires in your mouth remains the latest enigma of this cosmos
every silent desire becomes a red stroke at the heart of this sultry idea of burning bodies
there is a sour aroma of radical longing and the much needed muscles that should come together and bring about the first matter capable of sensing desired possibilities