Friday, April 19, 2013

Eros: Pharmakon

on the table you lay the bread of Loss still breathing

I break the bread and we eat the New Hunger of Eros

from within the catastrophe we learn the first chemistry

Eros knows the orbits where ashes are Alphabet on the air. signs return to the smoking ruins where Pharmakon
may save or kill at once  

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


thirst. why yells why.

why a bodily reason to die for. bridge falling. the lips write the book. you define the cloud. 

thirst always returns to fight for a bridge. 
why mutters why. I am struggling uncertain sand. at core Kaos. the desert numbs. Eros breaks dawn Where disembodies. 
dance despair. nexus of skin dust.

when mouth kisses earth
poem touches dry womb 
why surrenders why this moment

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

site blast

Eros__pull this line__pump this air__O Extreme! snows through emptiness. I feel cold between my breasts and my horror vacui.

...blood vessels are the site blast where letters disagree with sounds___my Meridian joining - yes or no - your edge__Zero line__interval or threshold__layers of skin or time strata__ you must follow thy blood till Being becomes the broken rock of Passion__body liquids flow and push.

...self-effort happens masticates. escaping perspiring without object but full breath and full reversal__from rock to dust, from dust to skin, from skin to bread__ voracious hunger of roses conceiving our lips__infinite orphans.

love ruminates this dough of ours__half word half way__seven roses later__one none one__petal after petal, from dark blue to darker and darker till darkest mouth__off-Void uncharted at the bottom. Here. right Here. silence bleeds Other Doors__silence opens and shuts__lips of ours__seven roses earlier__word by word__One century reading your lips. my first fingers.

...repeat after me: abc_ abc_ abc_ treble Extreme___ beaten track of mad organs: my abc my abc again__the dreamer sees the horizon on approach__repeat after me::: the gesture::: you know It, you sense It, the Calling, meaning liquid fragments of many voices of hours__sand__ becoming song and space: in Here, beyond the Alpha-Omega crisis... your touch becomes blank station and blank sign: milky way pointing Beyond vulnerable winds__excess of ages of flesh writing wilderness__the beast alone knows the beast__my dreamer hunts Eros in indefinitum__ tongue echoes one none one__the drunken boat refuses departure within stormy dreamers__within my song off shore off silence blowing blood vessels between wars becoming icy intervals between breasts and tongues__saliva of hours__ It rains melts moon craters __ ground Zero is Need___we climb Farther than ever the stories of madness and warm bodies cooling furiously green names__against bird songs__ waiting Alone the metamorphosis of my dreamer at the crossroads of red vapor__curve geometry of this world::: You, my yelling You::: ever growing till ultimate dragon__ Eros, the beast, smoking Your perspiration and Your open radical drums__

O Extreme___ you know my poverty__ my expanding Void in indefinitum___

Desire opens the root of all bird songs__tongue says::: Love You__seven roses earlier than your Spring::: multiply blood vessels Here 
...nightly dodging blades nightly drawing nerves and off-Kaos the dreamer cannot rest__
...the poem is organic matter fighting back the intensity of Here__there are holes between words and lips masticating kisses__ Void___ All leads to circles of lonely winds and counter-winds::: as if arguments for and against bodies-in-textures-in-Here___

O Extreme::: kiss::: kiss my deeper wounds__ 
my crossing madly deprived of You, my yelling holes off-shore___ 
fractures_ holes_ between broken breaths::: invention of nonsense passengers nonsense carriers::: 
as if I were You::: hunting the most carnivore poetry extremely. 

It implies much absence leading to the dragon cave where it all began...
homeless animals pugnaciously recalling birth and bodily frictions__ in indefinitum
as you know_ ab ovo_


Monday, April 15, 2013

perfume of falling

this does not have to be told. like those body parts you must touch silently with contrition and fever, feeling the blossoming of animal fibers or flames. this remains untold. this is the last time after the last time____meaning you rest on non-Being, you miss the pain, its perfume embracing the hills and trees of your loss. 
you are young too much young to plunge into the wood of the trees. into the muttering of pain, the barking of pain, the coming back of pain___ to your shores entranced with non-understanding. You are too much young to drink my secret horses revolving__ waiting__ on the roof tops of my future huge stream of awe. 
Horses and riders, arrows and spears, nightly breaking in somewhere. this is me, naked me, none, one, yelling: you. 
for you do not have lips nor throat nor stomach nor Power__ for This rebellion. the last after the last. 
I assure You the dance, the clash, of Love must be Holocaust. This happened before. to other Youth always smiling back to those dark windows of Farther Unknown. Go Farther, naked me.
other girls, yes or no, pre-meditate, pre-plot, pre-act, and miss the Creation of Desire falling upon the ground of other world in here. 

I assure You the touch must precede Kissing. the image of being there and not there in the boiling embrace: storm of drunken senses. I bear no longer not having the firm holding of infinite hands comprehending my deep muscle tissues of love.

I await touch before kiss. 
my waiting becomes tense. my story of  slippery floors opens and shuts the body of the forest. subways. steel and wood flowing accelerating cycling from my lungs to my hearts through All camps. Holocaust equals Love. Remains untold one none one oscillation. 

Our falling is the perfume. Our falling averts the flashback confession of bodies hostage of horror returning to the center stage of this other world working late again between us, working too late again through all camps. 
we should filter the flames in the bathtub holding firmly the deep muscle tissues under water comprehending under voice. 
Open up the unpaved song or bird song. before bed and sex or little death little evasion little exhaustion. 
I could bath my cotton dress with early oblivion. You could bath me bathing my first dress.

this is the first time before the first time. 
the girl thinks she might fall one day or one night in the midst of It, without resistance, as if by impulse and inner truth. she oscillates through the embrace, the mouth embrace, the unspoken mouth embrace. 
longing for__ still untold, me, naked me, wrapped by layers of dresses over dresses. nakedness is the infinite motion until__ earthquake in utero, in saliva, in vagina__ untold. 
This girl grows now as the idea of her infinite motion oscillates. her searching for new ground where her un-grounded veins may flash or blast or pump massive living matter into colorful ashes of Nonsense against the Orchestra: All the world's a stage. Rain fire__ acid and fire__

Now cry now sing. my soul in a nutshell.
You one none one. You do not sing along my depletions  my hollow depletions. come back to the peak vortex of pure screaming. anguish shall hold us holding us red surfaces of life already one step at a time wandering leaning against that last whisper before the last. the flesh of fruits violently embodies now the splendor of now devouring all.

our nostrils sleep within the perfume of falling. this atmosphere fights against the alcohol of Nothing. Love is a bath of rage and joy, enormous wound consuming every fiber of Youth. Open the window, still the fancy of opening the window and flying, through falling. Birds desire and achieve the falling, the volition of self-trans-passing. my breasts bare breasts await other books, other angels, other lips, touching before kissing. everywhere all around me your hands my follies I drown in despair hungering for the reminder of Untold.

My name is need. Call me master abyss. You must create in the middle of enslaved Beauty, other flesh for other lovemaking.   

violence of carnivore Eros. 
it leads to Omega Kiss, the full blast of Loss.
or sacrifice studying Your Bodies 
instead of alcohol 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

anatomy in vivo

violence of carnivore Eros. 
it leads to Omega Kiss, the full blast of Loss.
or sacrifice studying Your Bodies 
instead of alcohol 

I await touch before kiss. 
my waiting becomes tense. my story of  slippery floors opens and shuts the body of the forest. 

Our falling is the perfume. Our falling averts the flashback confession of bodies hostage of horror returning to the center stage of this other world working late again between us, too late again. 
we should filter the flames in the bathtub holding firmly the deep muscle tissues under water. 
Open up the unpaved song or bird. before bed. 
I could bath my cotton dress with early oblivion. You could bath me bathing my first dress.

this is the first time before the first time. 
the girl thinks she might fall one day or one night without resistance, as if by impulse and inner truth. she oscillates through the embrace, the mouth embrace, the unspoken mouth embrace. 
longing to the idea-motion of her oscillates. her searching for new ground where her un-grounded veins may flash or blast or pump massive living matter into colorful ashes of  Nonsense. 
do not sing along my depletions  my hollow depletions. come back to the peak vortex of pure screaming. anguish shall hold us holding us red surfaces of life already one step at a time wandering leaning against that last whisper before the last. the flesh of fruits violently embodies now the splendor of now devouring all.

our nostrils sleep within the perfume of falling. this atmosphere fights against the alcohol of Nothing. Love is a bath of rage and joy, enormous wound consuming every fiber of Youth. Open the window, still the fancy of opening the window and flying, through falling. Birds desire and achieve the falling, the volition of self-trans-passing. my breasts bare breasts await other books, other angels, other lips, touching before kissing. everywhere all around me your hands my follies I drown in despair hungering for the reminder of Untold.

My name is need. Call me master abyss. You must create in the middle of enslaved Beauty, other flesh for other lovemaking. 

nude & swirling motion

Becoming rose petal from rose petal while the tongue swirls around the tongue, last place on earth to begin a new Verb overflowing of touch bare hands through bare cries of hair melting the syntax of ferociously embracing Many infinities at Once, as if the spring of Now were the whole gift bathing the Nudity of roses. we are plunging into this Verb of awe. we perspire Opening vowels from tongue to tongue around Your Womb, blowing nothing but honey and milk in this night desert
the world is the extreme heat waves from bare hands to bare You, 
half mist half lava half saliva half nothing and non-nothing

One spiral of Nude roaring through the milky way within 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

first springs

signs say nothing against nothing. 
First Spring, kiss my danger. Kiss my salty waters. 
Kiss this moment this edge this pulp of heart.

energy says lips against lips melting all opposites. 
back to the burning touch.
Cut deep this pulp off my open mouth before One touch. 

Fallen me before One touch without why. 
it rains roses without why on me on waves. 
I doubt my leaning on breasts demanding You. 

our tongues of distance return at dawn 
saving my eyes from dust. 

First Spring, sister of Chaos and Eros, rain on me 
One red touch

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Sismo Lunar

Diz-me se vens arder hoje 
Onde a Origem renova todas as coisas: 
mergulhar noutra lua que tem Verdade de Não-Saber, 
apenas lábios possíveis em todos os sentidos.

Nos mares lunares tudo concorda com o Princípio Desejante. Também o tecido dos lábios tem nexos 
de não-saber-dizer-o-nome-nem-o-verbo que separa 
o corpo do fogo. 

A menina, anterior a Eva e a serpente, vem aqui despir-se e banhar-se de Luas Novas. A menina é a Memória do sol e das chuvas nas melhores sementes que caem em Eros-Humus.

Mais funda do que os primeiros nexos de sentir e perder os sentidos indefinidamente, a menina espera outra linguagem, outra boca, maior do que Trevas. 
a menina navega nas ondas lunares com desejo diuturno de Outra ondulação. a menina transforma-se em nave e em mar e em cratera lunar e em símbolo noturno de essência faminta. 

Devora-me se podes. 
Devora a minha urgência transformante de Tudo em Nada. Ser-e-não-ser-toda o Desejo em atmosfera inflamável. 
Respira-me o ar inteiro até Nada, apenas vapor de pele, ao ritmo das marés lunares.   

breath vibrato between

but in Eros everything is in flux, I gain nothing in here but more nebulae aching indefinitely. . .
this is Hunger for It, One, You. 
this is What remains 
beyond fire and flesh within fire and flesh. 
Hunger for Other, never rest.

the tree, the garden, the bodies, are vapor of liberation, the infinite progression of non-touching the first mover within. 
I cannot know How-and-Why, the tree, the garden, the bodies, progress infinitely... otherwise than being-and-non-being. It explodes mountains of catastrophes, shades of desire. You are the Way to the Open metamorphosis. I cannot know How-and-Why.

You are the abyss Where to perspire. 
life depends upon future grounds to Desire and trembling. otherwise than being. touch my matter falling into heat waves off imaginings, yellings, Your Major Song of vapor and skin, nameless mist breaking the highest branches of fear, in me, naked me, awakening deep muscle tissues of Eros, my infant Eros, still speechless at midday, moved only by touch and smell and madness, sheer madness.
 All animals roaring in me, naked me.

And You approach the Logos of Eros, in me, naked me. 
Eros is a summons to sacrifice All-at-Once. 

You bleed within every fruit, in flux in me, naked me