abandoned foam in the air
you know there is the real screaming of foam
abandoned in the air
screaming forgotten in the mouth
every day our infancy persists in the flesh
childhood still here overcoming nadir-abyss
learning the rhythm of waves
something persists in the flesh ebbs and flows
(while the Queen of red Hearts keeps on drinking endless
drinking alcohol maybe pure alcohol maybe without any
thirst no longer any thirst)
after a falling wave I am flying as a child persisting in the flesh
infancy still in the persisting breath maybe song
overcoming nadir-abyss
(while the Queen of red Hearts drinks my alcohol against maybe
Darkness where something emerges attacks still in the flesh
such flesh-eating Darkness maybe animals-of-Darkness
from terror I can beat anything I resist stronger than my body)
in the middle of the Ocean there is the tree and the infinity
Spring persists in the fruits maybe foam of fruits and wind of foam of fruits
in the middle of my body stronger on the top of terror
entirely without sugar just the canopy indefinitely promising
other fruits other foam of fruits for my touch and taste
yet infancy yet remaining questionings from infant terror
anxiety of Darkness Alone
I am still a much-travelled new-born Abandonment
a well-read escaped prisoner
liberated from home and burnt in the flesh and brought up here
while the Original ignorance maybe storm still rages within
those remaining questioning days are never gone
my very beating hearts are still in love in rhythm of love
never broken you dance here at the heart of this ocean
you dance against my vertigo maybe cliff edge
you just arrive maybe return here on the blank vertigo
maybe blank page maybe blank soul you may kiss deeply
your saliva after a falling wave is the Original question
other waves also ebb and flow
love still ebbs and flows since before infancy
love still questions why
the fall the fallen the falling freedom
how you touch and taste novel freedom
where you create my Imagination in the rhythm
you can dance here despite all senses drinking such alcohol maybe pure alcohol
fantasy of vertigo fantasy of darkness
Desire produces other power maybe brutality on the blank page
and flying waves repeat the Original Heart
(last year you could not imagine theses shades by the mountain
today the cliffs open up and build a new forest of meanings
abandoned children camp here in the new forest
in the canopies of Eden at the heart of this body
the Original Heart
Ocean stream maybe love free love)
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