Sunday, April 17, 2022

On the power of desiring

 every morning is now the First Spring
the power of desiring
you arrive at the first nudity of mouth or page 
the page calling for the love letter
the love alphabet   the love language
hope brings Signs sharing now the Whole morning
fullest evidence of life
First Spring
power of desiring
capable of continuous waves
beginning becoming blooming
Beloved Bodily Possibilities
I kiss your bare feet and hands and last Angst

every morning is now the First
Absolute Sun on approach 
here I kiss your bare moons and last Stone
this Orbit within my Indefinition feels more-than-force
freedom growing in the Wilderness
here edge vertigo
leap of faith 
almost strings and woodwinds and jazz
my flesh exposed to the Open
capable of blowing music 

Desire touches the power of breathing
percussion expanding the Whole
Desire discovers and invents the rhythm

Desire reaches my Disclosure
my breasts my Orbits 
when discovery or invention
Powers begin  become  bloom 
Beloved Bodily morning

anchored hope you may sing while maturing
my breasts my Orbits
novel nudity originates indefinite truth
Powers of Desiring

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