one candelabrum: my infinitum burning
infinitum continuum of mine
my candelabrum: infinite branches burning
branches of wood and flesh and candles
burning while time departs
sailing abroad
bare chest
all candelabra : our infinita burning
infinita continua of ours
our candelabra: infinite branches burning
intertwining flames while wood and flesh
flourish bare chests
our forest of forests
while time approaches
warming the groundwater of love
recovering awareness of many arts
like drinking fire
infinitum candelabrum infinita candelabra
my candelabrum our candelabra
game of flames branching time
in indefinitum
as though the Possibles were all exploding
candelabrum candelabra
drink these oils of saliva
speechless saliva
flowing from the secrecy boiling
orange tree sap calling your name of juice
sugar and acid and extreme vertigo
candelabrum candelabra
the beginnings renew every instant while
language springs and falls and chases warm blood
candelabrum candelabra
my skin of wood and flesh and extreme vertigo
one's skin branching while burning against other's skin
dust skin covers the eyes of the blind prophetess
and still the song pursues the first Sophia
candelabrum candelabra
the infinite branches are more entangled than our silence
the burning song stirs the most naked