Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Jazz of Desire

There is a tree at the heart of the Garden.
the tree the heart the garden
Dare not forget
Dare not forget

a kiss of brass and drums
a kiss of tones and bones
might save you

there is Language confusing Language
tormented handwriting
trembling lips
you never know how much loss
and mad songs still to come 
Believe not in the Fall
Believe not in the Fall

God meant other Fable
other Fabulation
otherwise than Fall
in peace with our flesh
God loves carnal fires
in the Garden
the tree the heart the garden

climb the fire till the Poem where God explains the Mystery
climb the fire till the branch till the fruit 
climb the fire
This is the Method
the fruit explodes here 
so anxious
the world becomes
carnal windstorm

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