Thursday, October 15, 2020

Homeless Princess

the homeless princess   the seagull of the northern river bank
before dawn she feels a subtle vibration beginning 
wind breathing wind caressing within desire
the idea of travelling wandering dancing as if motion-in-Space could reveal Desire-in-motion 
as if the spreading of space could be the generation of Possibles, my Becoming 

imagining-feeling-desiring is one 
one power one river one mountain calling for Possibles, my Becoming  

between and amongst infinity
bodies encounter bodies
merging together
embodying infinite Souls-Lives-Possibles
she comes very early to plunge into Here, my Becoming, Possibles
new springs and new rivers and unknown waters
she plunges into Desire-of-Becoming

the mouth desires and becomes mouth
between and amongst infinity
other songs
wisdom of tongues and lips
merging together
the invention of Souls-Lives-Possibles
the mouth desires other songs from bare breasts 
bare ways flowing

she comes first very early
the homeless princess building the body where language makes flesh 
out of flesh fruits flowers seeds humus
bare ways flowing
into new horses and hearts finally flying furies

the mouth desires bare breast of songs
eastern songs
while sun explodes truth 
between and amongst fingers through the strings
eastern songs 
during the Fall of times 
and the Opening of possibles     

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