Eros__pull this line__pump this air__O Extreme! snows through emptiness. I feel cold between my breasts and my horror vacui.
...blood vessels are the site blast where letters disagree with sounds___my Meridian joining - yes or no - your edge__Zero line__interval or threshold__layers of skin or time strata__ you must follow thy blood till Being becomes the broken rock of Passion__body liquids flow and push.
...self-effort happens masticates. escaping perspiring without object but full breath and full reversal__from rock to dust, from dust to skin, from skin to bread__ voracious hunger of roses conceiving our lips__infinite orphans.
love ruminates this dough of ours__half word half way__seven roses later__one none one__petal after petal, from dark blue to darker and darker till darkest mouth__off-Void uncharted at the bottom. Here. right Here. silence bleeds Other Doors__silence opens and shuts__lips of ours__seven roses earlier__word by word__One century reading your lips. my first fingers.
...repeat after me: abc_ abc_ abc_ treble Extreme___ beaten track of mad organs: my abc my abc again__the dreamer sees the horizon on approach__repeat after me::: the gesture::: you know It, you sense It, the Calling, meaning liquid fragments of many voices of hours__sand__ becoming song and space: in Here, beyond the Alpha-Omega crisis... your touch becomes blank station and blank sign: milky way pointing Beyond vulnerable winds__excess of ages of flesh writing wilderness__the beast alone knows the beast__my dreamer hunts Eros in indefinitum__ tongue echoes one none one__the drunken boat refuses departure within stormy dreamers__within my song off shore off silence blowing blood vessels between wars becoming icy intervals between breasts and tongues__saliva of hours__ It rains melts moon craters __ ground Zero is Need___we climb Farther than ever the stories of madness and warm bodies cooling furiously green names__against bird songs__ waiting Alone the metamorphosis of my dreamer at the crossroads of red vapor__curve geometry of this world::: You, my yelling You::: ever growing till ultimate dragon__ Eros, the beast, smoking Your perspiration and Your open radical drums__
O Extreme___ you know my poverty__ my expanding Void in indefinitum___
Desire opens the root of all bird songs__tongue says::: Love You__seven roses earlier than your Spring::: multiply blood vessels Here
...nightly dodging blades nightly drawing nerves and off-Kaos the dreamer cannot rest__
...the poem is organic matter fighting back the intensity of Here__there are holes between words and lips masticating kisses__ Void___ All leads to circles of lonely winds and counter-winds::: as if arguments for and against bodies-in-textures-in-Here___
O Extreme::: kiss::: kiss my deeper wounds__
my crossing madly deprived of You, my yelling holes off-shore___
fractures_ holes_ between broken breaths::: invention of nonsense passengers nonsense carriers:::
as if I were You::: hunting the most carnivore poetry extremely.
It implies much absence leading to the dragon cave where it all began...
homeless animals pugnaciously recalling birth and bodily frictions__ in indefinitum
as you know_ ab ovo_
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