Wednesday, February 5, 2025

lex libidinis: la ley del deseo

Homeless origins and homeless ways: la ley del deseo agrees and disagrees with feelings of uneasiness

Love itself binds and breaks the conditions of sailing: This is Everything, the alteration of Beginning in the beach where the Lost and the Anguished pray to the Lady of the Rocks 

The waves cry for the approach, the wholly new approach, as if it were the Wisdom deciphering la ley del deseo, within the union, disunion, reunion, communion of flesh and blood after the abyss of war

Love itself tries and insists on trying to learn the words, the better words where we can start the journey, despite the stones, mountains of stones recently discovered around the orbits of chaos, orbits confusedly drawing our flesh and blood, and their venture

The waves cry for time, more time before and after the rocks, while the vast waters grow, or blossom, or liberate my hands against darkness, against the event where catastrophe and ecstasy are whispering my name 

Love itself is the memory of an uncertain vein bleeding between two waves crying for more, many more flames than roses 

The waves cry for the naked bodies of explorers looking for the gestures that signify the departure, the wandering, the arrival, again, once again, between two waves of fire  

the Possibility of beginning anew, beyond language and world, never and always

Love itself progresses and transgresses, while asking the Priority of winds: Are you willing to try the beginnings, beyond the idea of garden and rose, and beyond the summer of the breasts under dark-gray-red enigma?   

The waves cry for the burning moment, still moving, the first time stopping and moving, becoming One under the sun

the novelty of touching, the first time, never again, and always recurring, as though hope were the Power, everything and nothing, the hope of the living, the invention of language, body language 

(la ley del deseo resolves the red Enigma and repeats the Beginning everywhere) 

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