Saturday, February 1, 2025

vapor of Unknown is descending from Future Storms

 sit down and breathe beyond and above the forest of symbols

savor this hour and the threshold under or within the tension of your limbs

for this is the radical hour of subtle sugars and subtle acids 

you are expected here now. you are exactly where the beginning meets the invisible. such an effort of all senses held together. you imagine the history. it was perplexing. it could be otherwise. The past is still boiling, you can feel it. The past keeps the original strength, partly capable of being otherwise, and striking otherwise. the past is growing and changing. you can return if you put the right muscles into action. sometimes you cannot discern the face of pain and the face of pleasure. you can return to the places and times and bodies, although it consumes a lot of energy, generates heat, dissipates vapor of Unknown. 

Future is inviting the freshest blood into new characters. you need not to retrieve the old vocabulary, the old gestures. yes, you are allowed and encouraged to forget and to remember and to travel. how many tongues can you

 a misty wind is uprooting some mute, infant Chaos

disarm your imagination and love this vapor of Unknown. you can breathe. it contains some secrets of organic chemistry and other equations overflowing with Unknowns

you can draw parables in the air, expressing those equations of Future Storms warmly 

you can draw the breasts you desire as long as you keep your eyes wide shut, silently concentrating on the temperature and humidity of this mist of Unfulfilled

physically, hyperphysically, you are approaching the tension you need to cross and inhabit 

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