Monday, August 6, 2012

stella on the flor

she's love sick.

she coincides with waters
she masters my theories on cacti
she fires and blossoms. while ruins elaborate new wings for my legend.

her dawns are deeper landscapes of excess. deeper than tomorrow. gestures echo futures.

the story begins between climax and denouement. while voices fade in the text of sea and lament.
the tissue of life is an hypothesis in silence. she differs and weaves differently.

she eats roses and much panic before the body of the poem.
nakedness happens like vertigo from above. highly.

a catastrophe reverses possibly the belief in everything.
she awaits nothing but happens abruptly. undone.
needles of light and rock write her from nowhere.

she's love sick. look at her.
trembling on the floor like a star. 

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